好朋友問我,你不是好了嗎?  化療都做完了呀!



我92歲老化而仙逝的阿嬤,連生小孩都在田裡,自己拿剪刀剪斷臍帶。 沒做過半次產檢,生了13個。 抽菸,吃豬油拌飯。  沒看過幾次門診,老化,去醫院打"營養針" 也不知道打了什麼。  睡夢中,拜拜了。






好學生做慣了,服從性高吧!  醫生,懂得比我多吧!  排門診,就準時去吧!

只是,"癌"有許多未知變數,都說是體質??  造成不同結果? 

但是相信我,癌友中,大都健康過生活,至少不煙不酒,有的吃素,有的自行車。  人生也很有意義,都當好人。至少,沒有犯罪紀錄,頂多超速罰單。So?   有的2-3年,就 game over .  找不出解答?  ㄧ堆養生守則,雞生蛋?  蛋生雞?  身心靈的醫治嘛,有的家暴10多年,也還活著,痛苦鬱卒也沒殺了細胞?

我的手術前 CEA 0.75  比現在還低。正常到爆!

So?  我一直認為癌症是屬於哲學領域,或是生死學,或心理學。不是醫學。 因為不曉得得加油孔在哪裡。
但是醫師通常不會跟病人討論哲學問題,因為太虛無。  所以,我的這一切門診,觀察,算是生命儀式的一部份?

Becca 沒有化療,沒有放療,半年檢查一次,也活到現在?   老太太20多年前肺癌,也沒有化療。撐了20多年,轉到腦癌,沒有做任何侵入性治療,也到84歲去世。 (他們都早期發現,手術完,就注意飲食運動。)  但是,也有用自然療法9個月,還是住院走了。

明天,情人節,看我的門診結果。What a pertect timing.

其實  我比較在意有沒有可能再為愛瘋狂一次吧! (當然不可能,赫爾蒙跟大腦 有點,混亂!  而且,不麻煩不用負責的愛,我的會員資格已被剔除。  所以難! 難! 難!  原來婚姻的定義是要為年輕時的選擇,負責到死才方休,浪漫喜劇變驚悚片阿!)

不管如何,這趟單人華麗旅程,我都 準備好了。因為上帝說話了!

Dear Tracy,

1 Samuel 16:7 says "...The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."

Why is it so easy to jump to conclusions based on outward appearance? Unlike the LORD, we find it difficult to be patient, to wait to understand the value of what's on the inside.

In Myra Brooks Welch's poem "The Touch of the Master's Hand," the crowd and the auctioneer jumped to conclusions about an old, "worthless" violin. They were about to auction it off cheaply, when a master violinist came forward, tuned the old violin, and played a beautiful tune.

The master knew the full potential of the old violin. Likewise, the LORD knows the potential of every heart that is tuned to Him, no matter how rough the outward appearance.

What about you? Are there people in your life that you have placed little value on, simply because of outward appearances? Have you asked the LORD to give you His patience to look at the heart instead?


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